Some Mycological Links 

Mushroom Information and Identification Websites

Mushroom Expert -identification site by Michael Kuo

Tom Volk's Fungi -by Tom Volk, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Mykoweb -Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology -by Michael Wood, focus on California mushrooms

Fungi Growing on Wood -identification site by Gary Emberger

Amanitaceae -Amanita site by Amanita expert, Rod Tulloss

Russulales News -dedicated to Russula and Lactarius

Mushroom Observer -a site where users can post photos and descriptions of mushrooms

Other Mushroom Clubs in the Southeast U.S.

Asheville Mushroom Club

Mushroom Club of Georgia

South Carolina Upstate Mycological Society

The Gulf States Mycological Society

West Virginia Mushroom Club

New River Valley Mushroom Club (Virginia)


Other Various Mycology Links

Steve Roberts discussion and book review with Jay Justice, coauthor of "Amanitas of North America"

Sept. 5, 2020 Cumberland Mycological Society Virtual ID Session (video recording)

Fungi Magazine

Mushroom Music: "Mushroom World" by songwriter, Steve Roberts

Everything Mushrooms -complete mushroom supply, gifts and resource center

North American Mycological Association

NorthEast Mycological Federation, Inc.